Flip Tiles. Earn Rewards.

Flip Fortune is a rewards game unlike any other.
There are only 10 levels to beat. On each level, just tap one of the tiles on the board to flip it over. Flip the Lucky Tile, collect the Lucky Reward, and move on to the next level. If you don’t flip the Lucky Tile, collect the consolation prize, and start over from Level 1.
With Flip Fortune, even when you lose, you still win! The more you play, the more rewards you earn!
If you’re able to beat all 10 levels, you win the Live Fortune! Hurry, though, because the Live Fortune resets every time a player wins it!
Download Flip Fortune today to start earning rewards FOR FREE! No purchase necessary.
* Google LLC is neither a sponsor of, nor in any way affiliated with, Flip Fortune and/or the prizes offered.
* The prizes offered are devised as non-gambling promotions and are intended solely for entertainment purposes.
* Flip Fortune is NOT a Real Money Gambling game, and playing it does NOT imply future success in Real Money Gambling.
* Flip Fortune does NOT require any real money to play.